Successful Registration
Welcome to THE KEY TO KETTLEBELL SUCCESS by IKU™ and Cavemantraining™. You are now officially a member.
We’re going to work on the onboarding now, which means the process of bringing you onboard into our private group, understanding you better, and providing the necessary knowledge that you need to make the most of your membership with us. It’s extremely important that you have at least 5 to 15 minutes available to answer approx. 20 questions and get you set up. If you don’t invest this time now, you will be lost later. Trust me, the more time you spend here, the easier things will be later.
If you’re a pen-and-paper type of person, please get that handy now to make important notes.
Your Account
An account has been created for you automatically, and to streamline the process, we picked a username and a password for you. You will set your own password after completing the questionnaire.
The next thing that we’re going to do is get all your details via a questionnaire, and based on that info we and the system will know what to do.