Work Out



The following are workouts that you’ve picked or automatically enrolled in. If you’ve completed any workouts and recorded the details of your workouts, they will be listed under the heading past workouts

Past Workouts

No workouts completed yet.

See all workouts that are accessible from your personal workout library.

See all the workouts that are available in our library.

Follow Your Program

These are the programs currently assigned to you. Every two months you can enroll in a new program, however, we recommend following a program for at least 6 to 12 months (unless specified differently) for real results.

See all the workouts that are available in our library.

Beginners Workout

This is a workout that everyone, no matter what level, will benefit from. You will improve your strength and overall fitness with this. One kettlebell is required.

Prometheus Phase II

This a 4-day strength and hypertrophy split workout that can easily be modified to a 3 or 6-day split. A split is a program that works different body parts intelligently so that you don’t burn out and can make gains. Multiple kettlebells are recommended leaning toward the heavier side.

Ask a trainer if this program is suitable for you based on the answer you provided in the questionnaire.

The Pace Maker

A kettlebell protocol for those that want to become super fit and increase their stamina. Other benefits are strength and power. This program has an 8-week lead-in; 10-week program, progressional exercises,
and is simple and easy to follow. One kettlebell is required to start.

Ask a trainer if this program is suitable for you.

6-Week Strength Camp

A 6-week camp based on two super workouts. Complete the camp, do something else for 2 weeks, and repeat this cycle for incredible strength gains and new levels of cardiovascular fitness. One of the workouts is done with two kettlebells but can be done with one, however, for maximum strength benefits you want to make sure you have a good collection.

Ask a trainer if this program is suitable for you.

Swing And Burpee Challenge

A program that is a workout and a challenge that will bring your fitness to a level it has never been before. This program has brought my own fitness levels to the top of my game.

Ask a trainer if this program is suitable for you.

Ask for a recommendation

Ask for a recommendation in the group. Post a general idea of what you’re looking for and if you want suggestions from other members then you want to also include a general idea of what kettlebells you have or include a link to your kettlebell collection.

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